Modern Solutions For Our Modern World
Seamless Asphalt Repair uses revolutionary infrared technology to meld recycled millings seamlessly with existing asphalt surfaces.
Infrared technology for asphalt repair is a step forward in innovation that directly benefits clients, while creating a net positive impact on our environment and society. Unlike traditional pothole filling techniques, infrared repairs look better and last longer, which cuts overall expenses for our clients while helping them create a polished presentation before guests even step out of their vehicles. Infrared repairs are faster than traditional methods, which means your lots or roadways can be back to capacity sooner, and you can get back to business.
Infrared asphalt machinery superheats recycled asphalt millings and surrounding surfaces, then presses the molten asphalt to create a uniform and strongly bonded surface. These repairs are highly resistant to being washed out with weather, or losing adhesion, as is common with inferior technology. According to a field evaluation from the University of Ohio, infrared asphalt repairs can be expected to last up to 14 times longer than repairs using throw and roll or spray injection techniques.
Seamless Asphalt Repair is dedicated to offering our clients innovative solutions that address legitimate challenges, with the future in view.